
For an application involving many thousands of files, we have found that NoSQL strategies may be effective. The TxRegInfra package is under development in github and illustrates use of mongodb with a small collection of BED files obtained from the ENCODE project. In this section we sketch the most basic aspects of wrapping a mongodb connection in S4 and implementing subsetByOverlaps to query the data store.

To carry out the tasks in this section, you will need mongod (the database managing daemon) running on your system.
The community server edition should be easy to install.

After you get mongod running, you can install TxRegInfra using library(BiocInstaller); biocLite("vjcitn/TxRegInfra").

Basic considerations

Our long term goal is to define a package, TxRegQuery, to exploration of transcriptional regulatory networks by integrating data on eQTL, digital genomic footprinting (DGF), DnaseI hypersensitivity binding data (DHS), and transcription factor binding site (TFBS) data. Owing to the volume of emerging tissue-specific data, special data modalities are used. In this document we’ll focus on DHS.

Managing bed file content with mongodb

Importing and querying documents

The package comes with a small number of bed files to demonstrate import utilities.

f1 = dir(system.file("bedfiles", package="TxRegInfra"), full=TRUE, patt="ENCFF971VCD")
cat(readLines(f1, n=3), sep="\n")
## chr1	181415	181565	.	0	.	26	-1	-1	75
## chr1	629855	630005	.	0	.	45	-1	-1	75
## chr1	629895	630045	.	0	.	44.0	-1	-1	75
# ChromHMM
f2 = dir(system.file("bedfiles", package="TxRegInfra"), full=TRUE, patt="E096_imp12")
cat(readLines(f2, n=3), sep="\n")
## chr17	0	14400	25_Quies
## chr17	14400	14600	19_DNase
## chr17	14600	28200	25_Quies

The function importBedToMongo uses system() to run mongodb. There is a bedType parameter that indicates what fields are available; it defaults to broadPeak.

The following code imports a broadPeak and chromHMM document. We deal with metadata about these documents below. We assume a database called ‘txregnet’ has been established for a running mongodb server.

importBedToMongo(f1, "vjc1", db="txregnet")
## [1] TRUE
importBedToMongo(f2, "vjc2", db="txregnet", bedType="chromHMM")
## [1] TRUE

Now that the documents are imported, we can query for information in an interval specified by a GRanges instance.

## Loading required package: rJava
con = mongoDbConnect("txregnet") # defaults for local server
queryBedInMongo(con, "vjc1", GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1, 800000)), skip=0, limit=5)
##   score chromStart chromEnd strand name pValue                     X_id
## 1     0     181415   181565      .    .     -1 5a2188f454be7d9ced2569e3
## 2     0     633955   634105      .    .     -1 5a2188f454be7d9ced2569e4
## 3     0     633995   634145      .    .     -1 5a2188f454be7d9ced2569e5
## 4     0     778635   778785      .    .     -1 5a2188f454be7d9ced2569e6
## 5     0     779135   779285      .    .     -1 5a2188f454be7d9ced2569e7
##   peak qValue signalValue chrom
## 1   75     -1          26  chr1
## 2   75     -1          63  chr1
## 3   75     -1          62  chr1
## 4   75     -1          76  chr1
## 5   75     -1          11  chr1
queryBedInMongo(con, "vjc2", GRanges("chr17", IRanges(1, 800000)), skip=0, limit=5)
##   chromStart chromEnd                     X_id      state chrom
## 1      28200    29600 5a2188f554be7d9ced26a57a  24_ReprPC chr17
## 2      29600    30800 5a2188f554be7d9ced26a57b 23_PromBiv chr17
## 3      30800    31600 5a2188f554be7d9ced26a57c   22_PromP chr17
## 4      14600    28200 5a2188f554be7d9ced26a57d   25_Quies chr17
## 5      31600    32000 5a2188f554be7d9ced26a57e    2_PromU chr17

An integrative container

We need to bind the metadata and information about the mongodb.

BED file metadata

The BED files are extracted from a few different places. We have metadata on 10 of them:

data(hsFiles_subset) # holds hsFiles
##      File.accession    File.format Output.type Experiment.accession
## 1916    ENCFF001UUW bed narrowPeak       peaks          ENCSR000EIX
## 859     ENCFF936ICC  bed broadPeak    hotspots          ENCSR000EPK
## 1462    ENCFF460FCG bed narrowPeak       peaks          ENCSR000EOI
##          Assay
## 1916 DNase-seq        CL:0002620
## 859  DNase-seq        CL:0001054
## 1462 DNase-seq        CL:2000017

We added an additional four. This will become colData for an instance of an extended RaggedExperiment class to be defined.

cd = DataFrame(rbind(hsFiles, rbind(e072, e073, e088, e096)))
## DataFrame with 4 rows and 6 columns
##   File.accession    File.format Output.type Experiment.accession
##      <character>    <character> <character>          <character>
## 1    ENCFF001UUW bed narrowPeak       peaks          ENCSR000EIX
## 2    ENCFF936ICC  bed broadPeak    hotspots          ENCSR000EPK
## 3    ENCFF460FCG bed narrowPeak       peaks          ENCSR000EOI
## 4    ENCFF879FWO  bed broadPeak    hotspots          ENCSR782XFY
##         Assay
##   <character>       <character>
## 1   DNase-seq        CL:0002620
## 2   DNase-seq        CL:0001054
## 3   DNase-seq        CL:2000017
## 4   DNase-seq    UBERON:0000970

S4: Extending the RaggedExperiment class

(From the RaggedExperiment vignette:) The RaggedExperiment package provides a flexible data representation for copy number, mutation and other ragged array schema for genomic location data. It aims to provide a framework for a set of samples that have differing numbers of genomic ranges.

In TxRegInfra, we extend the RaggedExperiment class to deal with external data managed by mongodb. We’ve created a database ‘txregnet’ and we connect this to the extended RaggedExperiment ‘rme1’, an instance of RaggedMongoExpt.

okdf = DataFrame(hsFiles)
rownames(okdf) = hsFiles[,1]
loccon = localMongolite(db="txregnet")
rme1 = RaggedMongoExpt(loccon, colData=okdf)
## class: RaggedMongoExpt 
## dim: 10 10 
## assays(0):
## rownames(10): ENCFF001UUW ENCFF936ICC ... ENCFF971VCD ENCFF350ZQV
## colnames(10): ENCFF001UUW ENCFF936ICC ... ENCFF971VCD ENCFF350ZQV
## colData names(10): File.accession File.format ...

The upshot: peak densities by tissue type

In the following, we produce a table of number of peaks by tissue type, in a small region of chromosome 1.

brp = which(colData(rme1)$File.format == "bed broadPeak")
allst = subsetByOverlaps(rme1[,brp], 
               GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1,8e5))) 
data.frame(tiss=colData(rme1)[brp, ""], 
##                                    tiss num.peaks
## ENCFF936ICC      CD14-positive monocyte         9
## ENCFF879FWO                         eye        19
## ENCFF970PRR   renal cortex interstitium         7
## ENCFF001WQH stromal cell of bone marrow        18
## ENCFF942PVS                     GM12864         5

Some additional details

Ultimately we would like to make use of the RaggedExperiment infrastructure directly. To do this we need to bind a GRangesList to the assay data; once this is done, we can use the sparseAssay, compactAssay, and qreduceAssay methods. Longer term utility of this approach will be demonstrated in the TxRegQuery package, under development.

badn = c("seqnames", "ranges", "strand", "seqlevels", 
   "seqlengths", "isCircular", "start", "end", "width", "element")
cleanCols = function(x) setdiff(colnames(x), badn)
grl = GRangesList(lapply(allst, function(x) {
     ans = GRanges(x$chrom, IRanges(x$chromStart, x$chromEnd)); mcols(ans) = x[,cleanCols(x)]; ans
re = RaggedExperiment(grl, colData=colData(rme1[,brp])) 
## [1] 58  5
## [1] 51  5

To conclude, we peek at the details of the mongodb connection established by mongolite. It includes a variety of hints concerning the R interface.

## mongolite connection for db txregnet, coll. test
## URL:  mongodb://
## <Mongo collection> 'test' 
##  $$aggregate(pipeline = "{}", options = "{\"allowDiskUse\":true}", handler = NULL, pagesize = 1000) 
##  $$count(query = "{}") 
##  $$distinct(key, query = "{}") 
##  $$drop() 
##  $$export(con = stdout(), bson = FALSE) 
##  $$find(query = "{}", fields = "{\"_id\":0}", sort = "{}", skip = 0, limit = 0, handler = NULL, pagesize = 1000) 
##  $$import(con, bson = FALSE) 
##  $$index(add = NULL, remove = NULL) 
##  $$info() 
##  $$insert(data, pagesize = 1000, ...) 
##  $$iterate(query = "{}", fields = "{\"_id\":0}", sort = "{}", skip = 0, limit = 0) 
##  $$mapreduce(map, reduce, query = "{}", sort = "{}", limit = 0, out = NULL, scope = NULL) 
##  $$remove(query, just_one = FALSE) 
##  $$rename(name, db = NULL) 
##  $$update(query, update = "{\"$set\":{}}", upsert = FALSE, multiple = FALSE)