Distributed concurrent computing with the Bioconductor AMI

Machines with lots of cores and lots of memory are common but are relatively expensive and can be sources of contention. For some problems we can code for deployment of large numbers of of separate small machines to get the solution. This introduces managerial concerns, both for system control and communication and for the management of results. We will illustrate how the BatchJobs package allows us to distribute work to members of a cluster that we create, replicating a virtual machine to as many workers as we would like to use. The virtual machine we will use is the Bioconductor Amazon Machine Instance (AMI). You will need credentials (an access key and secret access key) to use EC2, but you can set this up in Amazon’s free tier so that funds are not committed until a certain amount of free computation resource has been consumed. This course assumes that you are able to interact with Amazon EC2 and will not provide tutorial background on this.

The documentation on setting up the AMI for your use is very extensive. There are two basic approaches. One uses the Amazon EC2 dashboard to configure and deploy the cluster. The one I will demonstrate uses a set of utilities developed at MIT called StarCluster. See Dan Tenenbaum’s notes for details on how to configure starcluster for use with the AMI.

Checking that we use slaves when we ask

It is a good idea to verify that the cluster is actually functioning. We’ll demonstrate the use of BatchJobs to do this. With BatchJobs we define a registry that will hold information about our cluster requests and results.

library(BatchJobs)  # transcript will not reflect AMI usage
## Loading required package: BBmisc
## Attaching package: 'BBmisc'
## The following object is masked from 'package:Biostrings':
##     collapse
## The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
##     collapse
## The following object is masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':
##     normalize
## Sourcing configuration file: '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/library/BatchJobs/etc/BatchJobs_global_config.R'
## Sourcing configuration file: '/Users/stvjc/.BatchJobs.R'
## BatchJobs configuration:
##   cluster functions: Interactive
##   mail.from: 
##   mail.to: 
##   mail.start: none
##   mail.done: none
##   mail.error: none
##   default.resources: 
##   debug: FALSE
##   raise.warnings: FALSE
##   staged.queries: TRUE
##   max.concurrent.jobs: Inf
##   fs.timeout: NA
reg1 = makeRegistry("reg1")
## Loading registry: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x/reg1-files/registry.RData
## Job registry:  reg1 
##   Number of jobs:  8 
##   Files dir: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x/reg1-files 
##   Work dir: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x 
##   Multiple result files: FALSE 
##   Seed: 628319000 
##   Required packages: BatchJobs

We’ll define a function that asks the node on which it is running what its name is.

myfun = function(x) system("hostname", intern=TRUE)
## function(x) system("hostname", intern=TRUE)

We will now map this function to the cluster via the registry. The idea is that we will iterate over some set of control values, and this defines a set of tasks that will be passed to slaves.

batchMap( reg1, myfun, 1:8 )
## Error in batchMap(reg1, myfun, 1:8): Registry is not empty!

We then submit the jobs. We can submit them all at once or can submit just a few to test.

submitJobs(reg1, 1:3)
## Syncing registry ...
## Saving conf: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x/reg1-files/conf.RData
## Submitting 3 chunks / 3 jobs.
## Cluster functions: Interactive.
## Auto-mailer settings: start=none, done=none, error=none.
## Writing 3 R scripts...
## Attaching package: 'checkmate'
## The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':
##     anyMissing
## Loading registry: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x/reg1-files/registry.RData
## Loading conf:
## 2016-02-29 10:00:17: Starting job on node PC001844.local.
## Auto-mailer settings: start=none, done=none, error=none.
## Setting work dir: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x
## ########## Executing jid=1 ##########
## Timestamp: 2016-02-29 10:00:17
## Setting seed: 628319000
## Writing result file: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x/reg1-files/jobs/01/1-result.RData
## 2016-02-29 10:00:17: All done.
## Setting work back to: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x
## Memory usage according to gc:
## Loading registry: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x/reg1-files/registry.RData
## Loading conf:
## 2016-02-29 10:00:18: Starting job on node PC001844.local.
## Auto-mailer settings: start=none, done=none, error=none.
## Setting work dir: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x
## ########## Executing jid=2 ##########
## Timestamp: 2016-02-29 10:00:18
## Setting seed: 628319001
## Writing result file: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x/reg1-files/jobs/02/2-result.RData
## 2016-02-29 10:00:18: All done.
## Setting work back to: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x
## Memory usage according to gc:
## Loading registry: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x/reg1-files/registry.RData
## Loading conf:
## 2016-02-29 10:00:18: Starting job on node PC001844.local.
## Auto-mailer settings: start=none, done=none, error=none.
## Setting work dir: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x
## ########## Executing jid=3 ##########
## Timestamp: 2016-02-29 10:00:18
## Setting seed: 628319002
## Writing result file: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x/reg1-files/jobs/03/3-result.RData
## 2016-02-29 10:00:19: All done.
## Setting work back to: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x
## Memory usage according to gc:
## Sending 3 submit messages...
## Might take some time, do not interrupt this!

Dealing with a missing package

We’d like to demonstrate distributed computation with the RNA-seq data from the Zarnack paper. Again we’ll just work with the BAM files of alignments to chr14. However, this package was not installed with the AMI. This highlights the virtues of defining persistent storage in the form of an EBS. We have configured starcluster to be aware of our EBS volume that is named ‘/freshdata’, and all the slaves have access to it.

We installed RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14 in /freshdata/R_LIB and we will need to set .libPaths appropriately to ensure access.

Setup for counting reads on the cluster

We need to define a new registry and a new function. Our aim is to do the overlap summaries on the slaves, one per BAM file.

We’ll need our table of regions for counting reads:

txdb = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
seqlevels(txdb, force=TRUE) = "chr14"
ebg = reduce(exonsBy(txdb, by="gene")) # don't double count
save(ebg, file="/freshdata/ebg.rda") #make visible to all slaves

We’ll define the registry so that GenomicAlignments is attached with each slave’s session.

reg2 = makeRegistry("reg2", packages=c("GenomicRanges", "GenomicAlignments"))
## Loading registry: /Users/stvjc/Teaching/EDX/labs/biocadv_6x/reg2-files/registry.RData

The function that counts reads must use .libPaths() appropriately.

reader = function(x) {
 .libPaths(c(.libPaths(), "/freshdata/R_LIB"))
 fn = RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14_BAMFILES[x]
 summarizeOverlaps(ebg, fn) 

Once all this is in place, we use

batchMap(reg2, reader, 1:8)
waitForJobs(reg2) # for example
final = do.call(cbind, c(loadResults(reg2), deparse.level=1))

and we have a SummarizedExperiment with all the reads counted concurrently on the slaves.