dplyr tutorial
What is dplyr?
dplyr is a powerful R-package to transform and summarize tabular data with rows and columns. For another explanation of dplyr see the dplyr package vignette: Introduction to dplyr
Why is it useful?
The package contains a set of functions (or “verbs”) that perform common data manipulation operations such as filtering for rows, selecting specific columns, re-ordering rows, adding new columns and summarizing data.
In addition, dplyr contains a useful function to perform another common task which is the “split-apply-combine” concept. We will discuss that in a little bit.
How does it compare to using base functions R?
If you are familiar with R, you are probably familiar with base R functions such as split(), subset(), apply(), sapply(), lapply(), tapply() and aggregate(). Compared to base functions in R, the functions in dplyr are easier to work with, are more consistent in the syntax and are targeted for data analysis around data frames instead of just vectors.
How do I get dplyr?
To install dplyr
To load dplyr
Data: mammals sleep
The msleep (mammals sleep) data set contains the sleeptimes and weights for a set of mammals and is available in the dagdata repository on github. This data set contains 83 rows and 11 variables.
Download the msleep data set in CSV format from here, and then load into R:
url <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/genomicsclass/dagdata/master/inst/extdata/msleep_ggplot2.csv"
filename <- "msleep_ggplot2.csv"
if (!file.exists(filename)) download(url,filename)
msleep <- read.csv("msleep_ggplot2.csv")
## name genus vore order conservation
## 1 Cheetah Acinonyx carni Carnivora lc
## 2 Owl monkey Aotus omni Primates <NA>
## 3 Mountain beaver Aplodontia herbi Rodentia nt
## 4 Greater short-tailed shrew Blarina omni Soricomorpha lc
## 5 Cow Bos herbi Artiodactyla domesticated
## 6 Three-toed sloth Bradypus herbi Pilosa <NA>
## sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle awake brainwt bodywt
## 1 12.1 NA NA 11.9 NA 50.000
## 2 17.0 1.8 NA 7.0 0.01550 0.480
## 3 14.4 2.4 NA 9.6 NA 1.350
## 4 14.9 2.3 0.1333333 9.1 0.00029 0.019
## 5 4.0 0.7 0.6666667 20.0 0.42300 600.000
## 6 14.4 2.2 0.7666667 9.6 NA 3.850
The columns (in order) correspond to the following:
column name | Description |
name | common name |
genus | taxonomic rank |
vore | carnivore, omnivore or herbivore? |
order | taxonomic rank |
conservation | the conservation status of the mammal |
sleep_total | total amount of sleep, in hours |
sleep_rem | rem sleep, in hours |
sleep_cycle | length of sleep cycle, in hours |
awake | amount of time spent awake, in hours |
brainwt | brain weight in kilograms |
bodywt | body weight in kilograms |
Important dplyr verbs to remember
dplyr verbs | Description |
select() |
select columns |
filter() |
filter rows |
arrange() |
re-order or arrange rows |
mutate() |
create new columns |
summarise() |
summarise values |
group_by() |
allows for group operations in the “split-apply-combine” concept |
dplyr verbs in action
The two most basic functions are select()
and filter()
which selects columns and filters rows, respectively.
Selecting columns using select()
Select a set of columns: the name and the sleep_total columns.
sleepData <- select(msleep, name, sleep_total)
## name sleep_total
## 1 Cheetah 12.1
## 2 Owl monkey 17.0
## 3 Mountain beaver 14.4
## 4 Greater short-tailed shrew 14.9
## 5 Cow 4.0
## 6 Three-toed sloth 14.4
To select all the columns except a specific column, use the “-“ (subtraction) operator (also known as negative indexing)
head(select(msleep, -name))
## genus vore order conservation sleep_total sleep_rem
## 1 Acinonyx carni Carnivora lc 12.1 NA
## 2 Aotus omni Primates <NA> 17.0 1.8
## 3 Aplodontia herbi Rodentia nt 14.4 2.4
## 4 Blarina omni Soricomorpha lc 14.9 2.3
## 5 Bos herbi Artiodactyla domesticated 4.0 0.7
## 6 Bradypus herbi Pilosa <NA> 14.4 2.2
## sleep_cycle awake brainwt bodywt
## 1 NA 11.9 NA 50.000
## 2 NA 7.0 0.01550 0.480
## 3 NA 9.6 NA 1.350
## 4 0.1333333 9.1 0.00029 0.019
## 5 0.6666667 20.0 0.42300 600.000
## 6 0.7666667 9.6 NA 3.850
To select a range of columns by name, use the “:” (colon) operator
head(select(msleep, name:order))
## name genus vore order
## 1 Cheetah Acinonyx carni Carnivora
## 2 Owl monkey Aotus omni Primates
## 3 Mountain beaver Aplodontia herbi Rodentia
## 4 Greater short-tailed shrew Blarina omni Soricomorpha
## 5 Cow Bos herbi Artiodactyla
## 6 Three-toed sloth Bradypus herbi Pilosa
To select all columns that start with the character string “sl”, use the function starts_with()
head(select(msleep, starts_with("sl")))
## sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle
## 1 12.1 NA NA
## 2 17.0 1.8 NA
## 3 14.4 2.4 NA
## 4 14.9 2.3 0.1333333
## 5 4.0 0.7 0.6666667
## 6 14.4 2.2 0.7666667
Some additional options to select columns based on a specific criteria include
= Select columns that end with a character stringcontains()
= Select columns that contain a character stringmatches()
= Select columns that match a regular expressionone_of()
= Select columns names that are from a group of names
Selecting rows using filter()
Filter the rows for mammals that sleep a total of more than 16 hours.
filter(msleep, sleep_total >= 16)
## name genus vore order conservation
## 1 Owl monkey Aotus omni Primates <NA>
## 2 Long-nosed armadillo Dasypus carni Cingulata lc
## 3 North American Opossum Didelphis omni Didelphimorphia lc
## 4 Big brown bat Eptesicus insecti Chiroptera lc
## 5 Thick-tailed opposum Lutreolina carni Didelphimorphia lc
## 6 Little brown bat Myotis insecti Chiroptera <NA>
## 7 Giant armadillo Priodontes insecti Cingulata en
## 8 Arctic ground squirrel Spermophilus herbi Rodentia lc
## sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle awake brainwt bodywt
## 1 17.0 1.8 NA 7.0 0.01550 0.480
## 2 17.4 3.1 0.3833333 6.6 0.01080 3.500
## 3 18.0 4.9 0.3333333 6.0 0.00630 1.700
## 4 19.7 3.9 0.1166667 4.3 0.00030 0.023
## 5 19.4 6.6 NA 4.6 NA 0.370
## 6 19.9 2.0 0.2000000 4.1 0.00025 0.010
## 7 18.1 6.1 NA 5.9 0.08100 60.000
## 8 16.6 NA NA 7.4 0.00570 0.920
Filter the rows for mammals that sleep a total of more than 16 hours and have a body weight of greater than 1 kilogram.
filter(msleep, sleep_total >= 16, bodywt >= 1)
## name genus vore order conservation
## 1 Long-nosed armadillo Dasypus carni Cingulata lc
## 2 North American Opossum Didelphis omni Didelphimorphia lc
## 3 Giant armadillo Priodontes insecti Cingulata en
## sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle awake brainwt bodywt
## 1 17.4 3.1 0.3833333 6.6 0.0108 3.5
## 2 18.0 4.9 0.3333333 6.0 0.0063 1.7
## 3 18.1 6.1 NA 5.9 0.0810 60.0
Filter the rows for mammals in the Perissodactyla and Primates taxonomic order
filter(msleep, order %in% c("Perissodactyla", "Primates"))
## name genus vore order conservation
## 1 Owl monkey Aotus omni Primates <NA>
## 2 Grivet Cercopithecus omni Primates lc
## 3 Horse Equus herbi Perissodactyla domesticated
## 4 Donkey Equus herbi Perissodactyla domesticated
## 5 Patas monkey Erythrocebus omni Primates lc
## 6 Galago Galago omni Primates <NA>
## 7 Human Homo omni Primates <NA>
## 8 Mongoose lemur Lemur herbi Primates vu
## 9 Macaque Macaca omni Primates <NA>
## 10 Slow loris Nyctibeus carni Primates <NA>
## 11 Chimpanzee Pan omni Primates <NA>
## 12 Baboon Papio omni Primates <NA>
## 13 Potto Perodicticus omni Primates lc
## 14 Squirrel monkey Saimiri omni Primates <NA>
## 15 Brazilian tapir Tapirus herbi Perissodactyla vu
## sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle awake brainwt bodywt
## 1 17.0 1.8 NA 7.0 0.0155 0.480
## 2 10.0 0.7 NA 14.0 NA 4.750
## 3 2.9 0.6 1.0000000 21.1 0.6550 521.000
## 4 3.1 0.4 NA 20.9 0.4190 187.000
## 5 10.9 1.1 NA 13.1 0.1150 10.000
## 6 9.8 1.1 0.5500000 14.2 0.0050 0.200
## 7 8.0 1.9 1.5000000 16.0 1.3200 62.000
## 8 9.5 0.9 NA 14.5 NA 1.670
## 9 10.1 1.2 0.7500000 13.9 0.1790 6.800
## 10 11.0 NA NA 13.0 0.0125 1.400
## 11 9.7 1.4 1.4166667 14.3 0.4400 52.200
## 12 9.4 1.0 0.6666667 14.6 0.1800 25.235
## 13 11.0 NA NA 13.0 NA 1.100
## 14 9.6 1.4 NA 14.4 0.0200 0.743
## 15 4.4 1.0 0.9000000 19.6 0.1690 207.501
You can use the boolean operators (e.g. >, <, >=, <=, !=, %in%) to create the logical tests.
Pipe operator: %>%
Before we go any futher, let’s introduce the pipe operator: %>%. dplyr imports this operator from another package (magrittr). This operator allows you to pipe the output from one function to the input of another function. Instead of nesting functions (reading from the inside to the outside), the idea of of piping is to read the functions from left to right.
Here’s an example you have seen:
head(select(msleep, name, sleep_total))
## name sleep_total
## 1 Cheetah 12.1
## 2 Owl monkey 17.0
## 3 Mountain beaver 14.4
## 4 Greater short-tailed shrew 14.9
## 5 Cow 4.0
## 6 Three-toed sloth 14.4
Now in this case, we will pipe the msleep data frame to the function that will select two columns (name and sleep_total) and then pipe the new data frame to the function head()
which will return the head of the new data frame.
msleep %>%
select(name, sleep_total) %>%
## name sleep_total
## 1 Cheetah 12.1
## 2 Owl monkey 17.0
## 3 Mountain beaver 14.4
## 4 Greater short-tailed shrew 14.9
## 5 Cow 4.0
## 6 Three-toed sloth 14.4
You will soon see how useful the pipe operator is when we start to combine many functions.
Back to dplyr verbs in action
Now that you know about the pipe operator (%>%), we will use it throughout the rest of this tutorial.
Arrange or re-order rows using arrange()
To arrange (or re-order) rows by a particular column such as the taxonomic order, list the name of the column you want to arrange the rows by
msleep %>% arrange(order) %>% head
## name genus vore order conservation sleep_total sleep_rem
## 1 Tenrec Tenrec omni Afrosoricida <NA> 15.6 2.3
## 2 Cow Bos herbi Artiodactyla domesticated 4.0 0.7
## 3 Roe deer Capreolus herbi Artiodactyla lc 3.0 NA
## 4 Goat Capri herbi Artiodactyla lc 5.3 0.6
## 5 Giraffe Giraffa herbi Artiodactyla cd 1.9 0.4
## 6 Sheep Ovis herbi Artiodactyla domesticated 3.8 0.6
## sleep_cycle awake brainwt bodywt
## 1 NA 8.4 0.0026 0.900
## 2 0.6666667 20.0 0.4230 600.000
## 3 NA 21.0 0.0982 14.800
## 4 NA 18.7 0.1150 33.500
## 5 NA 22.1 NA 899.995
## 6 NA 20.2 0.1750 55.500
Now, we will select three columns from msleep, arrange the rows by the taxonomic order and then arrange the rows by sleep_total. Finally show the head of the final data frame
msleep %>%
select(name, order, sleep_total) %>%
arrange(order, sleep_total) %>%
## name order sleep_total
## 1 Tenrec Afrosoricida 15.6
## 2 Giraffe Artiodactyla 1.9
## 3 Roe deer Artiodactyla 3.0
## 4 Sheep Artiodactyla 3.8
## 5 Cow Artiodactyla 4.0
## 6 Goat Artiodactyla 5.3
Same as above, except here we filter the rows for mammals that sleep for 16 or more hours instead of showing the head of the final data frame
msleep %>%
select(name, order, sleep_total) %>%
arrange(order, sleep_total) %>%
filter(sleep_total >= 16)
## name order sleep_total
## 1 Big brown bat Chiroptera 19.7
## 2 Little brown bat Chiroptera 19.9
## 3 Long-nosed armadillo Cingulata 17.4
## 4 Giant armadillo Cingulata 18.1
## 5 North American Opossum Didelphimorphia 18.0
## 6 Thick-tailed opposum Didelphimorphia 19.4
## 7 Owl monkey Primates 17.0
## 8 Arctic ground squirrel Rodentia 16.6
Something slightly more complicated: same as above, except arrange the rows in the sleep_total column in a descending order. For this, use the function desc()
msleep %>%
select(name, order, sleep_total) %>%
arrange(order, desc(sleep_total)) %>%
filter(sleep_total >= 16)
## name order sleep_total
## 1 Little brown bat Chiroptera 19.9
## 2 Big brown bat Chiroptera 19.7
## 3 Giant armadillo Cingulata 18.1
## 4 Long-nosed armadillo Cingulata 17.4
## 5 Thick-tailed opposum Didelphimorphia 19.4
## 6 North American Opossum Didelphimorphia 18.0
## 7 Owl monkey Primates 17.0
## 8 Arctic ground squirrel Rodentia 16.6
Create new columns using mutate()
The mutate()
function will add new columns to the data frame. Create a new column called rem_proportion which is the ratio of rem sleep to total amount of sleep.
msleep %>%
mutate(rem_proportion = sleep_rem / sleep_total) %>%
## name genus vore order conservation
## 1 Cheetah Acinonyx carni Carnivora lc
## 2 Owl monkey Aotus omni Primates <NA>
## 3 Mountain beaver Aplodontia herbi Rodentia nt
## 4 Greater short-tailed shrew Blarina omni Soricomorpha lc
## 5 Cow Bos herbi Artiodactyla domesticated
## 6 Three-toed sloth Bradypus herbi Pilosa <NA>
## sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle awake brainwt bodywt rem_proportion
## 1 12.1 NA NA 11.9 NA 50.000 NA
## 2 17.0 1.8 NA 7.0 0.01550 0.480 0.1058824
## 3 14.4 2.4 NA 9.6 NA 1.350 0.1666667
## 4 14.9 2.3 0.1333333 9.1 0.00029 0.019 0.1543624
## 5 4.0 0.7 0.6666667 20.0 0.42300 600.000 0.1750000
## 6 14.4 2.2 0.7666667 9.6 NA 3.850 0.1527778
You can many new columns using mutate (separated by commas). Here we add a second column called bodywt_grams which is the bodywt column in grams.
msleep %>%
mutate(rem_proportion = sleep_rem / sleep_total,
bodywt_grams = bodywt * 1000) %>%
## name genus vore order conservation
## 1 Cheetah Acinonyx carni Carnivora lc
## 2 Owl monkey Aotus omni Primates <NA>
## 3 Mountain beaver Aplodontia herbi Rodentia nt
## 4 Greater short-tailed shrew Blarina omni Soricomorpha lc
## 5 Cow Bos herbi Artiodactyla domesticated
## 6 Three-toed sloth Bradypus herbi Pilosa <NA>
## sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle awake brainwt bodywt rem_proportion
## 1 12.1 NA NA 11.9 NA 50.000 NA
## 2 17.0 1.8 NA 7.0 0.01550 0.480 0.1058824
## 3 14.4 2.4 NA 9.6 NA 1.350 0.1666667
## 4 14.9 2.3 0.1333333 9.1 0.00029 0.019 0.1543624
## 5 4.0 0.7 0.6666667 20.0 0.42300 600.000 0.1750000
## 6 14.4 2.2 0.7666667 9.6 NA 3.850 0.1527778
## bodywt_grams
## 1 50000
## 2 480
## 3 1350
## 4 19
## 5 600000
## 6 3850
Create summaries of the data frame using summarise()
The summarise()
function will create summary statistics for a given column in the data frame such as finding the mean. For example, to compute the average number of hours of sleep, apply the mean()
function to the column sleep_total and call the summary value avg_sleep.
msleep %>%
summarise(avg_sleep = mean(sleep_total))
## avg_sleep
## 1 10.43373
There are many other summary statistics you could consider such sd()
, min()
, max()
, median()
, sum()
, n()
(returns the length of vector), first()
(returns first value in vector), last()
(returns last value in vector) and n_distinct()
(number of distinct values in vector).
msleep %>%
summarise(avg_sleep = mean(sleep_total),
min_sleep = min(sleep_total),
max_sleep = max(sleep_total),
total = n())
## avg_sleep min_sleep max_sleep total
## 1 10.43373 1.9 19.9 83
Group operations using group_by()
The group_by()
verb is an important function in dplyr. As we mentioned before it’s related to concept of “split-apply-combine”. We literally want to split the data frame by some variable (e.g. taxonomic order), apply a function to the individual data frames and then combine the output.
Let’s do that: split the msleep data frame by the taxonomic order, then ask for the same summary statistics as above. We expect a set of summary statistics for each taxonomic order.
msleep %>%
group_by(order) %>%
summarise(avg_sleep = mean(sleep_total),
min_sleep = min(sleep_total),
max_sleep = max(sleep_total),
total = n())
## Source: local data frame [19 x 5]
## order avg_sleep min_sleep max_sleep total
## 1 Afrosoricida 15.600000 15.6 15.6 1
## 2 Artiodactyla 4.516667 1.9 9.1 6
## 3 Carnivora 10.116667 3.5 15.8 12
## 4 Cetacea 4.500000 2.7 5.6 3
## 5 Chiroptera 19.800000 19.7 19.9 2
## 6 Cingulata 17.750000 17.4 18.1 2
## 7 Didelphimorphia 18.700000 18.0 19.4 2
## 8 Diprotodontia 12.400000 11.1 13.7 2
## 9 Erinaceomorpha 10.200000 10.1 10.3 2
## 10 Hyracoidea 5.666667 5.3 6.3 3
## 11 Lagomorpha 8.400000 8.4 8.4 1
## 12 Monotremata 8.600000 8.6 8.6 1
## 13 Perissodactyla 3.466667 2.9 4.4 3
## 14 Pilosa 14.400000 14.4 14.4 1
## 15 Primates 10.500000 8.0 17.0 12
## 16 Proboscidea 3.600000 3.3 3.9 2
## 17 Rodentia 12.468182 7.0 16.6 22
## 18 Scandentia 8.900000 8.9 8.9 1
## 19 Soricomorpha 11.100000 8.4 14.9 5